Rules and Regulations

1) SCHOOL HOURS: The actual instructional hours per day in the school are 05.00 excluding interval hours from 08.00 am to 01.20 pm. At the stroke of the first bell at 08.00 am students MUST be present for the assembly.
2) Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, refinement of manners, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from each pupil.
3) Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, unsatisfactory application to studies, disobedience, objectionable moral influence, involvement in politics, unjustified or unexplained absence, unsatisfactory conduct in and out of the school are sufficient reasons for reprimanding the student and summoning the parent. Any serious breach of discipline will be viewed seriously.
4) Running, playing or shouting in the veranda or inside the school building is not allowed. Any damage done to school property will have to be made good by the offender.
5) When students have to move along the corridors as and when changing the classrooms, they must walk in silence and in a single file.
6) No pupil will leave the school premises during school hours or recess without the permission of the Head Master. No student will be allowed to go home during the school hours.
7) Students are expected to speak English in the school, this being an English medium school. Hindi, Marathi, Konkani or Sanskrit is allowed in the respective classes.
8) Every pupil seeking admission to the school must present himself / herself together with the parent / guardian, fill up the admission form and produce the Progress Report and Leaving Certificate of the school previously attended by him or her. For admission to Std I Birth Certificate from Registrar should be produced with a photocopy.
9) Students passing the S.S.C. Examination are ADVISED to collect before leaving the school (i) Bonafide Certificate for obtaining Residence Certificate, (ii) School Leaving Certificate, (iii) S.S.C. Mark List, (iv) Character Certificate and (v) JRC Certificate. They are also advised to keep in their possession (filed in a file) at least two attested photocopies of each of the above certificates, before they are submitted to any authority for the purpose of admission etc.
10) The Head Master has the right to refuse permission to continue any pupil, whose conduct, influence or attendance is unsatisfactory.
11) Two Midterm Tests will be held in August and January and two Terminal Exams in October and March for all the classes.
12) Any irregularity like carrying papers to the hall, inter communicating, comparing answers, exchanging papers etc detected during or subsequent to an examination is liable for punishment. Such a student may be debarred from the examination, or not entitled to any marks and in serious cases of cheating a pupil may even be dismissed from the school.
13) In order to be allowed to appear for the examination 75% attendance is required in each term separately. In case of S.S.C. students 75% attendance is required from June till send-off.
14) If the total attendance of the pupil falls short up to a maximum of 10% due to illness (Supported by medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner) or any other reason deemed satisfactory, the Head Master may condone such a deficiency to the extent of 10% and permit the candidate to appear for the examination.
15) Promotion of a student from one standard to another shall be made at the end of the school year on the basis of his / her performance at the Tests and Examinations including written and practical work of the students together with the assignments, orals, homework etc prescribed in the scheme of Evaluation.